Labyrinth (2017)

Labrinth (2017)


Labyrinth, RMSC’s Strasenburgh Planetarium
BIODANCE/Missy Pfohl Smith and W. Michelle Harris
Rehearsal Footage September 2017
Excerpts include:
Unwanted Turnings
Music: Strange Humors composed by John Mackey
Under Water
Music: Sadness composed by Ornette Coleman
Jeanne Schickler Compisi,
Sarah Dearstyne, Sarah Johnson, Natalia Lisina,
Nanako Horikawa Mandrino, Laura M. Regna, Julie
Schlafer Rossette, Jean Michael Rubingu,
Missy Pfohl Smith, Dancers
Emlyn Johnson, Flute and Ensemble Director
Henry Myers, Cello
Kyle Peters, Percussion
Zach Stern, Saxophone