the fragile corridor (2019)
September 19–21, 2019
Missy Pfohl Smith, Director/Choreographer
W. Michelle Harris, Digital Media/Live Cinematic Mix
Michael Burritt, Director of the Eastman Percussion Ensemble
Strasenburgh Planetarium, Rochester Museum & Science Center:
Steve Cali, A/V Technician;
Joe Ricci, Laser Design;
Steve Fentress, Planetarium Director
BIODANCE, directed by Missy Pfohl Smith
Alex Alletto, Hettie Barnhill,
Rose Pasquarello Beauchamp, Jeanne Schickler Compisi, Zachary Frazee, Sarah Johnson, Natalia Lisina, Nanako Horikawa Mandrino,* Julie Schlafer Rossette, Jean Michael Rubingu

Eastman Percussion Ensemble, directed by Michael Burritt
Andrew Bockman, Emma Gierszal,
Justin Lamb, Youngkyoung Lee
the fragile corridor by Michael Burritt
The Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: ambedo by Annika Socolofsky
Threads by Paul Lansky